Category : slider

Speak Human

Speak Human

Marketing is all about reach YOUR target audience. But trying to zero in on your circle of influence can be difficult. Here are a few steps we focus on to get your business closer to individuals who would get the most benefit from what your brand has to offer. Here are a few things we

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Design Experience You Can Trust

Design Experience You Can Trust

Ridiculously efficient’ is the phrase that comes to mind when I think about Sandy. I had the pleasure of working with Sandy for over a year and a half at MedSpring Urgent Care, collaborating on day to day projects and working across several departments and directly supporting every urgent care center in Texas, Chicago and

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Creative Eye

Creative Eye

Creativity is breaking out of established patterns to look at things in a different way. ~Edward de Bono

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Get In Touch With

Keith Patschke

My wholistic years of experience covers agency, corporate, B2B, B2C and design houses. Whether you have a question about Print, Digital, Branding, Web, Social, Marketing & UX Design or anything else, I am ready to answer all your questions. I'm here to help.

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